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QardioBase smart scale app – the scale for everyone’s need

Ever wondered what makes QardioBase smart scale and body analyzer so unique? Our wireless smart scale combines intelligent features, ease of use, and sleek design to make weight and health management an integral part of your daily routine. Read on to learn more about the QardioBase features that make it unlike any other scale, and why our users love and recommend it!

It measures more than just your weight
QardioBase smart scale offers more metrics to help you focus on long term goals. Besides weight, QardioBase measures BMI, body fat percentage, muscle, water and bone mass. The smart scale offers measurements in whichever unit you prefer: pounds, kilograms, and stones.
Smart scale app features - Truspilot ReviewSmart scale app features - ChartIt lets you track and contextualize your progress
To visualize your progress simply open the QardioBase section of the Qardio App and select the chart icon at the top left corner of the screen. From here you can view a graphical display of your weight, BMI, and body fat percentage measurement over the time period of your choosing. Viewing your charts allows you to keep on top of your weight and body composition measurements to make sure you are on track, keeping you focused despite daily fluctuations. The scale itself also reports on your trend when you measure yourself with its Smart Feedback mode.

It connects to all your devices
QardioBase connects with the free Qardio App and is compatible with iOS, Android, and Kindle devices. The Qardio App allows you to track your health with Android Wear and Apple Watch so your data is never more than a glance at your wrist away. You can also connect your Qardio App to Apple Health and Samsung Health, keeping all your health and fitness data in one place!

It’s the only scale with a stress-free Smart Feedback mode

No other scale offers this unique mode to help users overcome the most common reason for goal abandonment – short term weight fluctuation. With Smart Feedback mode, the scale will show you a smiley face instead of numbers so you know if you are on track or not. Your weight and detailed body composition data (body fat percentage, muscle mass, water percentage, bone mass, and BMI) are not displayed on the scale, but are recorded on the Qardio App.

Smart scale app features - Truspilot ReviewMultiple users can share one scale easily
QardioBase can be paired with multiple accounts on various smartphones or tablets at any given time, which means the whole family can use the same scale. Each user is recognized automatically and their data is synced instantly to their individual accounts after each measurement.

Smart scale app features - GoalsQardioBase helps you build a healthy routine
When losing weight, measuring yourself consistently and at the same time is essential. Use the reminder feature to ensure you measure your weight or body composition under similar conditions each day, removing the effort to remember your schedule and stay on track with your goals. You can have multiple reminders for different days and times.

QardioBase calculates your weekly goals automatically
QardioBase enables you to set goals in any mode to help motivate you towards your weight target. When you set a goal the Qardio App automatically calculates for you your weekly weight loss or gain to achieve it so you can adjust your daily calorie intake and fitness levels accordingly.

Use it with implantable devices
With the smart scales’ Weight Only mode enabled, QardioBase will measure your body weight measurement and BMI without performing a body composition analysis. This mode is ideal for safely tracking your weight if you have an implantable device such as a pacemaker or defibrillator.

It has a unique Pregnancy mode for moms to be!
QardioBase allows expecting mothers to track their weight change during each trimester and on a weekly basis. It also features a photo library so expectant moms can add photos to see their bump growing along the way with this clever visual feedback. Once the baby arrives, QardioBase is the perfect scale to guide you back to pre-pregnancy weight in a gentle, stress-free way.
Smart scale app features - Truspilot ReviewQardioBase vibrates under your feet
By enabling Haptic Feedback mode, the scale will vibrate under your feet to let you know your measurement is done and ready to view in the Qardio App. Coupled with the Qardio App’s full voice-over functionality, QardioBase offers a seamless experience for the visually impaired.

QardioBase smart scale and body analyzer was designed to fit everyone’s needs. It is the perfect weight loss companion, fitness buddy and weight tracker for the whole family! Want to know if you’re burning fat and gaining muscle? Or whether you’re losing weight not just water? QardioBase smart scale makes that possible. Find the mode that meet your needs and start reaching your goal today.

Know your body.
Not just your weight.
Tags: best body composition scale, best smart scale, best wifi scale, best wireless scale, bmi, bmi smart, body analyzer, body analyzer scale, body composition scale, body composition scales, body fat scale, cardio, diet, dieting, exercise, exercise for moms, fat percentage, fit, fitness, food, full body composition, happy pregnancy, healthy diet, healthy eating, healthy habits, healthy lifestyle, healthy pregnancy, healthy recipes, healthy tips, healthy travel, healthy weight, how to, mom to be, moms to be, mother, motherhood, mothers, motivation, muscle gain, nutrition, nutrition food, preeclampsia, pregnancy, pregnancy app, pregnancy concerns, pregnancy exercise, pregnancy health, pregnancy mode, pregnancy scale, pregnancy tips, pregnancy weight gain, pregnancy workout, qardio, QardioBase, reviews, Share my story, smart bathroom scales, smart scale, smart scales, smartscale, Success stories, success story, superfoods, tutorial, user experience, water percentage, weight gain, weight loss, wifi scale, wifi scales, wifi smart scale, wifi weight scale, wireless scale, wireless smart scale, workout
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