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How to create the perfect blood pressure monitoring routine

With one in three adults living with a chronic heart condition, checking one’s blood pressure regularly can be a life-saver, but many unfortunately don’t add it to their daily routine. Creating a consistent and accurate routine of monitoring your blood pressure levels ensures you’re staying heart healthy and allows you to make small adjustments if the results are not as expected, rather than facing larger complications down the line. Below we’ve listed a few tips on creating the perfect blood pressure monitoring routine!

Check your device’s accuracy
Before you begin your blood pressure monitoring routine, make sure you have an accurate blood pressure monitor that is clinically validated, such as the QardioArm FDA approved smart BP monitor. According to the American Heart Association, it is best to use a home blood pressure monitor that measures your BP at your upper arm – rather than your wrist. A monitor that measures with an upper arm cuff versus a wrist measurement is considered to be more accurate because your wrist arteries are narrower and not as deep under your skin as those of the upper arm.

Position your BP cuff correctly
Once you have your device, make sure you position the device and your arm properly. It is recommended to use your left arm as it’s closer to your heart. Always use the same arm when taking a measurement and place the cuff on bare skin, not over clothing. Rest your arm on a flat surface, for example on a table, with your palm facing upward; the device should be at the same height as your heart.

Take your measurement in the right environment
It is also important to make sure you’re taking it in the right environment in order to get the most accurate reading. You should never measure your blood pressure right when you wake up and should avoid food, caffeine, tobacco and alcohol immediately prior to your measurement. For the perfect blood pressure monitoring routine, make sure you are relaxed and sit quietly before and during your reading. When using QardioArm wireless blood pressure monitor, the accompanied free Qardio App will show you relaxing images during your measurements to help reach a calm state – or you can upload your own images to create a unique slideshow.

Measure your BP twice daily
Take at least two measurements each day. This allows you to gauge your readings over the course of the day and make small adjustments if needed. It is best to take your first measurement in the morning before eating or taking medications and the second in the evening. It is also a good idea to be consistent with the timing of your measurements – for example at 9am and at 7pm every day. With the Qardio App, we make keeping up with your routine easy with a reminder feature you can customize to notify you to take your measurement.

Take a repeat reading
Another way to ensure accuracy is to take two or three readings with each measurement. With QardioArm, we have integrated a multiple measurement average feature to help add this to your routine. A triple measurement average is considered a more accurate reading of your blood pressure. Your QardioArm can perform this task automatically, eliminating the need for pen, paper, and calculator. You can select how many measurements you’d like it to take and how much time to allot between each measurements. The data will then be automatically stored in the free QardioArm app.

Having a proper blood pressure routine at home will give you and your doctor peace of mind as you work to keep your heart healthy. With QardioArm and through the Qardio App, you can even authorize your health data to be sent automatically and directly to your doctor so they can remotely monitor you and make sure you’re keeping on track.

Start your heart healthy blood pressure monitoring routine today with QardioArm!

Mayo Clinic

Smart blood pressure monitor.
Measure anytime, anywhere.
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