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How Qardio can help you and your patients monitor the signs of stroke

How can we help your patients monitor the signs of stroke?

Patients predisposed to heart conditions are empowered by QardioArm to actively monitor their heart pressure in real time. As their healthcare professional, you can view changes in their heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and detect irregular heartbeat. This couples well with QardioCore, our dry electrode technology that retrieves clinically validated electrocardiograph traces for deeper heart health insights. This product has consistently delivered increased patient satisfaction.

By simply wearing and taking a reading with QardioArm and QardioCore, measurements are synced automatically to the QardioDirect platform for review. Allowing you to take rapid action in response when required.

Patients at risk of stroke will benefit significantly from QardioArm, QardioCore and our QardioMD user-friendly app. As we have simplified the process of remotely monitoring blood pressure and taking ECG readings, patients are more engaged and, therefore, more likely to monitor their health on a regular basis.

“As the Qardio App isn’t too intrusive or burdensome, patients are more likely to use it often and enjoy doing so. The app makes it really easy for them to take their blood pressure multiple times.” – George Fahnbulleh, Gold Canyon Internal Medicine

How can we help you?

By providing remote patient monitoring with QardioDirect. The interface helps manage key patient vitals to improve patient outcomes by providing comprehensive, accurate, and timely data, aiding you and your patient in finding root causes and taking appropriate data-driven actions as it quickly identifies trends. Allowing you to help improve patient outcomes before any significant issues occur. This can be crucial when a patient thinks they might be having a stroke and you can review real-time data to help you rapidly diagnose them remotely and give them the urgent care they need.

Not only does this allow you to make better decisions for your patient’s overall health, but it also has the added benefit of identifying issues sooner than you otherwise would. Meaning you can contact patients for checkups exactly when needed.

“Thanks to QardioMD, we’ve been able to catch at least three patients who had heart arrhythmias. We were then able to send them immediately to a cardiologist. The benefits of using QardioMD are phenomenal.” – George Fahnbulleh

To learn more about Qardio’s products, please visit

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