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Our Best-In-Class Implementation offers a 5 phase process to support you and your staff:
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Number 1

We provide efficient solutions to alleviate staffing shortages and reduce burnout through streamlined processes and automated tasks.

Number 2

Our advanced technology ensures user-friendly interfaces, enabling smooth integration with existing systems for maximum efficiency.

Number 3

Our platform includes personalized reminders and provides educational resources to enhance patient adherence to RPM programs and testing frequency.

Number 4

Our portal automates tracking of patient compliance and provider care time. Data can be generated in monthly reports, for ease of billing and documentation.

Number 5

Qardio’s monitoring team regularly interacts with patients, through remote monitoring and secure messaging, to support patient engagement. Virtual consultation is available to facilitate telehealth visits and communication between patients and providers.

Phase 1:

QardioDirect Eligibility Review

Our EHR/EMR Extraction Specialist will work with your internal team to identify which of your patients are eligible for this program.

Phase 2:

Patient-Informed Consent

Patients will be given sufficient information and understanding before making decisions about their medical care. Patients’ consent is documented in a way that suits them best.

When patients opt in or out of the program, they are not contacted again regarding their invitation.

Phase 3:

QardioDirect Device Logistics

Our team handles all device logistics, no need to store the devices at your office!

  • Patients are automatically drop-shipped appropriate devices right to their home.
  • Our Patient Outreach Team members will call patients to assist with device setup, training, and taking the first reading.
  • Our support team is always available to patients should they have any future questions.

Phase 4:

QardioDirect Monitoring / Data Transmission

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Data Monitoring

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Customized Alerts

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After Hours Alert Monitoring

Disclaimer: Not an emergency response service.

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Compliance/ Patient Adherence

Phase 5:

QardioDirect Billing and Claim Support

Revenue Cycle Management, a valuable service, is offered as an optional feature. Our dedicated team ensures that all necessary data is compiled accurately and timely for claims submission at the end of each month.

Get more information about CPT Codes for Remote Patient Monitoring.

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