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Qardio CTO shares health insights at New York Health Summit

“In the last 50 years, the expenditure of US healthcare has grown five times faster than the GDP,” said Rosario Ianella, co-founder of Qardio, during CE Week’s Digital Health Summit.  “It’s becoming increasingly unsustainable.” Rosario pointed out that current cardiovascular solutions are outdated and inconvenient, often forcing patients to get an EKG and blood pressure reading on-site at the doctor’s office. Qardio’s aim is to change this inconvenience and inefficiency, addressing the need for digital cardiovascular solutions by giving consumers actionable insights into their own health and wellness, enabling them to share their data with doctors and family through QardioCore and QardioArm. While existing biosensor technologies measure a person’s steps and heart rate, there is no further analysis of what they mean medically, Rosario explained. “Biosensor technology is more than just counting steps, it’s about being able to gather information about your body,” Dakila Divina said, Executive Editor of Everyday Health, who moderated the session. Other panelists included Dr. Shamus Hushee, CEO of DuoFertility, who stressed the importance of sharing and publishing data for the scientific community.  Qardio is currently building an API that can provide data to researchers. Issues of privacy were also raised after Dakila asked the panel what precautions they were taking in order to protect user data. “We’re putting lots of effort in to make sure the device is secure, by encrypting every single piece of information in our database,” Rosario answered. As healthcare and technology giants finally begin to collaborate, Qardio is leading a new generation of consumer health technologies that are revolutionizing cardiovascular prevention.

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